BPSC 66th Mains (GS - II)
Parliament of India is an effective forum of national integration. Discuss.
- Brief intro about Indian parliament
- How it acts as a forum of national integration (Parliament as a representative body of People as well as States & Union Territories.
- Conclusion
Indian Parliament is one of the biggest Parliament of the world where more than 800 representatives from different parts of the country represent India as a whole.
People from different parts of the country choose their representatives either directly as in case of Lok Sabha or indirectly in case of Rajya Sabha. These representatives represent nearly 130 crores people from 28 states and 8 Union Territories. Through these representatives the aspirations and ambitions of people got national expression.
As we all know that India is a land of diversity where people belonging to different religion. region, caste, race, ethnicity, etc live together with peace and harmony. Our constitution has made provisions regarding the proper representation of each group in the Parliament through reservation and presidential nominations. Thus, Parliament can be referred as 'Mini India'.
Parliament is the highest forum for discussion in a democracy where many issues of public interest are discussed. The Parliament passes law for the smooth functioning of the democracy, but laws are passed only after proper discussion in both the houses of Parliament. It also prepares budget of income and expenditure for implementing policies and laws that too was discussed before passing. Thus, the Parliament acts as a forum of discussion where people's voice is represented through their representatives. The Parliament makes the laws which are binding to the whole nation irrespective of religion, region, caste, culture, etc.
Indian Parliament consists of two houses: Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The members of Lok Sabha are elected directly by the people and thus, it is known as House of People. Whereas members of Rajya Sabha are elected indirectly and represents States and Union Territories. Thus, it is known as Council of States.
And we know that a county is made up of its people and different States/UTs and our Parliament represents people and States at national level. Thus, we can say that the Parliament of India is an effective forum for national integration.
BPSC 66th Mains - Polity (GS - II)
Question 1: "The role of the President of India is like an old man in family who has all the authorities, however he cannot do anything if the naughty young members of the family do not listen him". Evaluate.
Question 2: "Indian federal structure is constitutionally oriented towards the central government." Explain.
Question 3: "The uneven development of Indian states has created many socio-economic and political problems." Critically analyse the statement with special reference to Bihar.
BPSC 66th Mains - History (GS -I)
Question 1: What were the causes of the Santhal revolt? What were its course and outcome?
Notes to boost your Preparation
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Note - This is my Vision IAS Notes (Vision IAS Class Notes) and Ashutosh Pandey Sir's Public Administration Class notes. I've also added some of the information on my own.
Hope! It will help you to achieve your dream of getting selected in Civil Services Examination 👍